Angelo M Buzby

  • 3
  • 3
  • 100%
Escape Room Team Time Clues Players Date
Jail Break Chums 00:35 1 3 Jan 24th, 2022 view
Rocket Science Buzby and the Goon 00:55 2 3 Jan 24th, 2022 view
Bank Heist on 2325 Tremont St. Hardy and the goons 00:50 1 3 Jan 24th, 2022 view
Achievement Points
Escape Jail Break! 10
Escape Jail Break in 50 minutes 20
Escape Jail Break while using 3 tips or less. 20
Escape Jail Break while using 5 tips or less. 10
Escape Jail Break with 5 teammates or less. 10
Escape Jail Break in 30 minutes 30
Escape Jail Break in 40 minutes 30
Escape Rocket Science in 50 minutes 20
Escape Rocket Science while using 5 tips or less. 10
Escape Rocket Science with 5 teammates or less. 10
Escape Rocket Science in 40 minutes 30
Escape Rocket Science in 30 minutes 30
Escape Rocket Science while using 3 tips or less. 20
Escape Rocket Science! 10
Escape 2325 Tremont St. while using 3 tips or less. 20
Escape Bank Heist on 2325 Tremont St. in 30 minutes 30
Escape Bank Heist on 2325 Tremont St. in 40 minutes 30
Escape 2325 Tremont St. with 5 teammates or less. 10
Escape 2325 Tremont St. while using 5 tips or less. 10
Escape Bank Heist on 2325 Tremont St. in 50 minutes 20
Escape 2325 Tremont St.! 10
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